Matise Case Studie Redesign

As a UX designer at Matise, I spearheaded the transformation of our website's case study section, focusing on the BBB website, dedicated to selling bikes and bike parts.

The updated design boasts a streamlined layout, guiding users seamlessly through our portfolio. Each case study, including BBB, is presented as a captivating narrative, blending multimedia elements with concise descriptions for maximum impact.

Responsive design ensures fluid viewing across devices, while accessibility features promote inclusivity. Interactive elements such as filtering options enhance user control and navigation.

Aligned with Matise's brand, the redesign exudes professionalism and creativity, reinforcing our industry leadership through innovative presentation.

In essence, the revamped case study section, featuring BBB, showcases Matise's unwavering commitment to excellence and user satisfaction, setting a new standard for online storytelling.